Sexual abuse affects individuals of all genders, including men. It is a deeply traumatic experience that can have lasting effects on a person's mental and emotional well-being. Contrary to common misconceptions, sexual abuse against men is more prevalent than many realize. Statistics show that approximately 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual abuse at some point in their lifetime.

Men who have been sexually abused may face unique challenges in coming forward and seeking help. Societal norms and stereotypes often contribute to the silence and stigma surrounding male sexual abuse survivors. Many men struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and confusion, which can make it difficult to talk about their experiences or seek support.

It is important to recognize that sexual abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race, or background. By raising awareness and providing a safe space for men to share their stories, we aim to break the silence and offer support to those who have been affected.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse, know that you are not alone. There is help available, and healing is possible. Our forum provides a confidential and understanding environment where male survivors can connect, share, and find support on their journey toward healing and recovery

The following link directs to a well-known organization dedicated to addressing sexual abuse among men. They offer a wealth of resources and testimonies

At Unbroken Horizons, we use "sexual abuse" as an umbrella term for any non-consensual sexual activity. This includes unwanted touching, forced acts, and rape, which involves penetration without consent. We want survivors to know that regardless of the term used, our focus is on providing support and understanding for their experiences.

Visit our page for insights into the definitions of Sexual Abuse and Rape.

Some Types of Sexual Abuse:

  • o Involves any non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature, such as touching, groping, or forced sexual acts.

    o Symptoms may include physical injuries, pain or discomfort in genital areas, fear of physical contact, and avoidance of intimate situations.

  • o Includes any form of sexually explicit language, comments, or threats.

    o Symptoms may include feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and fear of verbal confrontation.

  • o Involves manipulation, coercion, or intimidation to engage in sexual activities.

    o Symptoms may include low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, emotional withdrawal, and feelings of worthlessness.

  • o Occurs when a child is subjected to sexual activities by an older person or authority figure.

    o Symptoms may include nightmares, bedwetting, sudden changes in behavior, fear of certain people or places, and self-destructive behaviors.

  • o Involves unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or behaviors in the workplace or other settings.

    o Symptoms may include anxiety, fear of going to work or school, changes in work performance, and social withdrawal.

  • o Involves grooming, exploitation, or coercion of individuals through online platforms.

    o Symptoms may include excessive internet use, secrecy about online activities, withdrawal from family and friends, and changes in sleep patterns.

Common Symptoms of Sexual Abuse:

  • o Unexplained injuries, bruises, or marks

    o Pain or discomfort in genital areas

    o Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

    o Difficulty walking or sitting

    STI testing near me

  • o Anxiety, panic attacks, or phobias

    o Depression, mood swings, or emotional numbness

    o Flashbacks or intrusive memories of the abuse

    o Low self-esteem, self-blame, or feelings of worthlessness

    Mental Health Services

  • o Changes in eating habits, appetite, or sleep patterns

    o Substance abuse or self-destructive behaviors

    o Avoidance of intimacy or sexual relationships

    o Social withdrawal or isolation

  • o Difficulty concentrating or focusing

    o Memory problems, especially regarding the abuse

    o Confusion about personal boundaries or relationships

  • o Difficulties in forming or maintaining healthy relationships

    o Trust issues or fear of intimacy

    o Overly sexualized behavior or attitudes

    o Co-dependent or controlling behaviors

MIB: Men in Breakthroughs, Thriving Beyond Abuse

Read about Stockholm Syndrome HERE.

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More Information

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  • 1in6


    This organization provides support and resources for men who have experienced unwanted or abusive sexual experiences. You can find more information on their website

  • MaleSurvivor


    MaleSurvivor supports male survivors of sexual abuse, offering resources, information, and healing retreats. They aim to raise awareness and create safe spaces for men to connect and heal from trauma



    RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the U.S., offering a 24/7 hotline and online chat for survivors, along with resources and advocacy.

  • MenHealing


    Provides workshops, retreats, and resources for male survivors of sexual trauma.

  • Office for Victims of Crime

    Office for Victims of Crime

    A component of the U.S. Department of Justice, OVC provides resources and funding to support victims of all types of crime, including sexual violence.



    Understanding Male Socialization, Stigma, and Reactions to Sexual Violence